July 4th Holiday Closure

The library will be closed Thursday, July 4th in observance of Independence Day.

Regular open hours will resume on Friday, July 5th.

Online Resources

Database Type

Consumer Reports

Consumer Reports logo

Get unbiased ratings and reviews for 9000+ products and services from Consumer Reports, plus trusted advice and in-depth reporting on what matters most.

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Blue Flipster logo

Get instant access to popular magazines.

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Hoopla logo

Borrow hundreds of thousands of movies, music, audiobooks, ebooks, comics and TV shows to enjoy on your computer, tablet, or phone – and even your TV!

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Gale News logo

A full-text newspaper database that allows users to search articles instantly by title, headline, date, newspaper section, etc.

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Newsbank's The World

Search The World 2004-Current

Search articles from The World Newspaper from 2004 - today.

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The World Digital Newspapers

Newspapers by Ancestry.com logo

Digital copies of The Coos Bay Times and The World Newspaper, covering the years 1906-present. Only accessible from inside the Coos Bay Public Library.

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