Program Type:
LectureProgram Description
Event Details
Presenters: Katie Woodruff and Ann Marineau, members of Coos Beekeepers - While we consider ourselves new to beekeeping (3-4 years in), we understand the need to continue our understanding of keeping bees from mistakes made and successes in hive management.
Basic Beekeeping
Part 1: Basic Understanding of Honey Bees
Part 2: Challenges to Keeping Bees
Part 3: Equipment for Keeping Bees
Do you want to help pollinate gardens? Are you out to save the bees? Is collecting honey your goal? Knowing why you keep bees is important, however, we want our hives to survive. Understanding the needs of a hive, being aware of how beekeeping has changed since the 1990’s, and learning the timeline of a colony are some of the important topics one needs to know going into beekeeping. Keeping bees is much like keeping any other farm animal, they need to be managed for successful outcomes. Katie and I will give a short presentation to give you a place to start your journey.
Timeline: 90 minutes (aprox. 60 minutes power point with 30 minutes Q & A)
Who should attend: Anyone considering beekeeping
Visual aides: An observation hive (live bees), an empty hive to discuss parts, favorite beekeeping books, beekeeping tools