Program Type:
GamesAge Group:
AdultProgram Description
Event Details
You've forded rivers, met travelers and have found a safe place to rest.
In the midst of the trail your journey continues.
This is the farthest you've ventured, and soon the next step will the furthest you've gone.
You are ready to continue your journey even further into the west.
To the coast, with a wagon filled to the brim with the rest of your party and friends.
The easy part of the journey has already happened, the next portion you know will be tougher.
The cost of this journey will be steep, with the months of hardship still ahead of you.
Traveling through unpredictable weather and the unknown with only a covered wagon and determination.
The new danger of other travelers making their way to the same treasure.
The hoard of the Dragon O'Reagohrn is still yours to claim if you can reach it.
Venture forth and continue making your journey west.
Have you wanted to play Dungeons & Dragons?
Are you a new player wanting to try out some character ideas?
Join us in playing some Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition.
This is a test run of a running story, but new players are welcome and will be incorporated.
There will also be a limited selection of pre-made level 6 characters available.