Program Description
Event Details
Need a new recipe? Join us!
Coos Bay Library has teamed up with Coos Head Food Co-op to provide safe, easy, and healthy recipes to create at home. Join us virtually on Zoom for this fun community event!
Monthly Event: Every Fourth Thursday!
For this month’s recipe, Linda Laverty, yoga instructor at SWOCC, will be featuring: TOPSEY TURVEY EGG YUM
Scroll down for ingredients.

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Event is FREE and open to everyone!
Topsey Turvey Egg Yum:
You will need:
1 10" fry pan,
1 smaller fry pan,
1 spatula,
1 10" dinner plate,
1 medium bowl,
Sharp knife and wooden or silicone spoon.
2 eggs.
2 10" tortillas.
1 small potato.
1/2 cup of shredded cheese of your choice.
1/2 of a large onion or 1 small whole onion, your choice of onion.
Handful of spinach or leaves of your choice.
Some olives of your choice.
Broccoli Yum:
You will need:
1 large bowl
Sharp knife
Large spoon
1 medium size head of broccoli.
3/4 cup of diced purple onion.
1/2 cup of cashews
1/2 cup sunflower seeds
3/4 cup of golden raisins
1 cup of feta cheese
2 tablespoons of garlic powder
1/3 cup of rice vinegar
3/4 cup mayonnaise
Fruit of your choice
Check out the Community Cooking playlist on the library's YouTube channel with almost three years worth of recipes!
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